Sunday, April 28, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: Ephesians 1:7
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 49 mins 28 secs
If someone has wronged us, should we demand they apologize or “pay” for their deed before we forgive them? Listen to this lesson to learn that Christ set an example of forgiveness when He forgave those who crucified Him. See the connection between redemption and forgiveness. Find out that redemption always refers to a price being paid and Christ paid our sin debt. Hear a number of facts about redemption and rejoice that all we need do to receive this forgiveness is to believe in Christ.
Sunday, May 05, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: Ephesians 1:7
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 51 mins 55 secs
When you do something wrong, wouldn’t you like to think you will be forgiven? Listen to this lesson to learn how God has graciously forgiven our sins even though we haven’t earned it or don’t deserve it. Find out when this forgiveness took place and how and why God forgives us. Hear two Greek words used for forgiveness and how they emphasize the attitude of grace. See four categories of forgiveness and learn that we can express our gratitude to God for His forgiveness by forgiving those who have harmed us.
Tuesday, October 08, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: 2 Samuel 12:7-13 & Psalm 51:1-6
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 10 mins 40 secs
Do we sin because we’re sinners or are we sinners because we sin? Listen to this lesson to learn that all of us are born sinners and the sins we commit come from our sin nature. Hear how David in Psalm 51 discussed his thoughts about his sin which included deep depression and physical suffering. Find out the biblical meaning of sin through the words that David uses in the psalm and see that he appealed to God’s character as the basis for forgiveness. Recognize that when you sin you need to acknowledge your sin to God so you can be restored to an intimate relationship with Him.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: 2 Samuel 12:7-13 & Psalm 51:10-19
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 4 secs
Do you have joy and gladness in your life? Listen to this lesson to learn that when David sinned he had lost the happiness he usually had in the Lord and felt sorrow and guilt. See what David wanted to do after God forgave those sins so others could enjoy the same deliverance from God. Find out what God wants from us when we sin and what He does not want.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: 2 Samuel 12:7-13 & Psalm 32:1-11
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 17 mins 53 secs
Are you filled with joy and gratitude over being forgiven when you confess your sins? Listen to this message to hear a thought-provoking lesson on the importance of confessing our sins so we can continue growing to spiritual maturity. Learn about King David’s refusal to confess his sins quickly in Psalm 32 and the lessons he learned. Find out three messages that apply to all of us when we sin. Understand there may still be consequences but once we confess, our burden is removed. Let this psalm challenge you to keep short accounts with God by having no unconfessed sin in your life.
Sunday, September 03, 2023
by Robert Dean
Passage: Ephesians 4:31-5:1
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 36 secs
When someone mistreats, harms, or hurts you, how do you react? Listen to this message to learn that our sin natures become bitter and angry and full of malice. In contrast, the Scripture commands believers to forgive one another and treat each other with kindness. Hear four different categories of forgiveness discussed in the Bible and remove all bitterness from your life by forgiving those who treat you badly.
Sunday, September 17, 2023
by Robert Dean
Passage: Ephesians 4:32
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 1 sec
How can we imitate God? Listen to this message to learn that we are to imitate the way God has forgiven us and to understand His grace. Hear four biblical categories of biblical forgiveness. Learn that God’s forgiveness is complete but there may still be consequences.