Thursday Bible Class - March 20 - Philippians
Mindset: “Payday Someday”
What is the Rapture and when will it occur? Listen to this message to learn that the Rapture is said to be imminent, which means it could happen at any minute. Find out what imminency does not mean as well as what it does. Learn a number of reasons why the Bible indicates the Rapture will occur before the seven-year Tribulation and will occur immediately after the dead believers in Christ are resurrected. In light of this, be encouraged to be ready by focusing on your spiritual growth and your daily walk by means of the Holy Spirit.
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Tuesday Bible Class - March 18 - Interlocked
Lesson 32, Part 1: Who Do You Say That I AM? - Part 1
- What was happening in the world?
- What was happening with the Jews?
- Yahweh sent a prophet to announce the arrival of the Messiah
- Jesus came to the Jews first! Rejected!
- Why did they reject Him?
What was happening in the world in the years between the end of the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament? Listen to this lesson to hear how God was preparing the world for Jesus' arrival in the "fullness of time." It was a period of peace and some of the people were back in the land of Israel worshiping in the Second Temple which had been renovated by Herod. See how Jesus grew up in Nazareth and John the Baptist announced Him, calling Him the Lamb of God. Find out some of the reasons Jesus was rejected by the Jews as their promised Messiah.
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Sunday Bible Class - March 16 - Ephesians
Why Did Christ Love and Give Himself Himself for the Church?
The Bible says God is holy and believers are to be holy, too. What does that mean? Listen to this message to hear a biblical definition of holy. Find out it does not mean being moral or good, but refers to being "set apart." Listen to an enlightening true story of St. Patrick and learn that, contrary to popular belief, he was not an Irishman but a missionary to the Irish. See if the stories of him ridding Ireland of snakes is a myth or fact and appreciate that devotion to God was his outstanding characteristic.
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Sunday Bible Class - March 9 - Ephesians
How Did Christ Love Us?
Is it difficult for you to understand how Christ loves believers? Listen to this message to see Christ's pattern of loving believers. Hear seven riveting observations of Jesus' demeanor during the illegal Jewish trial which included severe maltreatment. This was followed by the Roman trial and crucifixion, all of which are the example we are to follow in showing love to believers. Understand that none of us can produce this love through our own human efforts but it is a result of walking by means of the Holy Spirit.
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Thursday Bible Class - March 6 - Philippians
Developing a Spiritually Tough Mindset
Would you like to be able to handle difficult circumstances in life with joy and peace? Listen to this message to learn that believers must make daily decisions to grow spiritually rather than just drift along. Listen to practical ways of studying the Bible that change your thinking when you are walking by means of the Holy Spirit. Learn not to focus on the "what if's" or what can go wrong leading to worry and anxiety, but to focus on God's promises which bring this peace and joy.
During this message Dr. Dean mentioned Diana Severance's books “The Living Word: Daily Readings on the History, Influence and Impact of the Bible” and “Her-Story.” Also books by Rob Morgan including “Then Sings My Soul: 150 of the World's Greatest Hymn Stories.”
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Tuesday Bible Class - March 4 - Interlocked
Lesson 30, Part 2: The Jewish Expectation - Part 2B
• Where Will Everyone Live in the Coming Kingdom?
• What Will the People be Like?
• Hope for the Jews; Hope for the Gentiles
• Are the Descriptions of the Coming Kingdom Real or Symbolic?
Are the descriptions of the Millennial Kingdom in the Bible literal? Listen to this lesson to learn about the incredible changes in people, animals, climate, lifespan, and many other aspects of life during the Kingdom. Understand that the Bible should be taken literally except when the text indicates otherwise. When life becomes difficult and seems hopeless, remember that God always keeps His promises.
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Sunday Bible Class - March 2 - Ephesians
How Does Love Act?
When Christian love is part of your character, what actions will you take? Listen to this message to learn a list of the biblical characteristics of that love. Hear clear details and illustrations of each step to take. Establish your thinking in these by studying and applying God's Word and walking by means of the Holy Spirit. Understand that loving other believers as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself for her applies to all believers.
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Thursday Bible Class - February 27 - Interlocked
Lesson 30, Part 1: The Jewish Expectation - Part 2A
• What the Jews Were Expecting About the Tribulation
• What the Jews Were Expecting About the Coming Kingdom
– Nature: Weather and Climate, Animals, Geography
– Government: Ruler, Prince David, People
Would you like a glimpse of what is going to happen in the future? If so, listen to this thrilling message to hear that the future will be a time when God fulfills His promises to the Jews as outlined in the Abrahamic Covenant. See that there will be a time of terrible suffering in Israel for seven years which will end when Jesus returns to this earth and saves Israel. Hear about the marvels of Christ's Kingdom, a thousand-year reign on this earth, filled with many changes in climate and geography and politics. See that as believers now, you will return in your resurrection body to earth to reign with Christ at that time.
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