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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

Messages with tag - Peter

Acts (2010)
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 9:32-10:8
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 5 secs
Follow the geographical route taken to fulfill God’s promise to Abraham that through him all nations will be blessed. In these cities Peter makes it clear he is healing in the power of Jesus Christ. Peter is establishing his credentials with the same sorts of commands Jesus used to heal. The result was, “Many believed in the Lord.” Must you also ask Jesus into your heart? Does the fact that Peter is staying with Simon the Tanner reveal anything about Peter that shows he is accepting changes that are moving away from Jewish ritual? Meet Cornelius: his occupation, his home, his spiritual status, and his response to the angel he encounters.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 10:9-43
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 25 secs
Jewish religious practice at this time observed strict separation from Gentile culture, even though the Jews did have a level of missionary activity. To disrupt centuries of tradition was truly revolutionary. Peter’s encounter with Cornelius, carefully orchestrated and revealed by God, signals a complete change of direction from strict observance of the law exclusive to the Jew, to universal inclusion of the Gentile in Grace. Peter had to contemplate the enormity of this change, but lost no time in obeying God and going to Cornelius in Caesarea. Cornelius and his family responded to Peter’s revelation of Truth. See how Cornelius and his family acted to fulfill God’s sign to the Jew of a judgment to come for national rejection of their Messiah.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 12:1-23
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 45 secs
It is Christ who builds the church through the Holy Spirit. If the pastor and congregation are obedient, the Church is protected. This doesn’t mean horrific things won’t happen. Our role in God’s plan is crucial and our focus may not always be clear, though His is. Our walk is one of faith. Our God will take care to preserve and protect us in spite of men’s accomplishments, personalities, methods and false success. As opposition to the Church in Jerusalem moves into the arena of government, look into the genealogy of the Herods, and how, in spite of their despicable rule and degenerate character, God grows His Church. The Church didn’t escape suffering, but in that suffering God performed miracles that gave no doubt who was in charge and who would persevere in Truth.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 10-11
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 12 mins 1 sec
A commentary on the election presents the sad state of our republic and its worldview shift away from the purposes of our founding fathers. The realization is we have come full circle into the final cycle of civilization. The solution is not a shift of circumstantial issues but a crisis-driven hope in the truth of God’s Word to shine as a light in the midst of a wicked and perverse generation.

The apostles lived in a degenerate, hostile environment, and except for John, lost it all, were tortured, and died as martyrs. Peter was a commercial fisherman, living on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. He met Jesus through his brother Andrew. Peter’s home was the base of operation for Jesus in the area and many miracles took place there. Peter is representative of many men, impulsive, assertive, loyal and prone to get his eyes on circumstance. But Peter spoke profound truths and Jesus set him apart as a leader. Learn about Peter as the small rock and Jesus as the chief cornerstone, and about Peter’s travels to Babylon and possibly to Britain. Witness his eventual torture and death in a barbaric dungeon in Rome.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts & Topical
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 22 secs
Disciple is not always a synonym for believer. It’s also used for a committed believer and other times it’s used for the original twelve apostles. There are early, non-scriptural manuscripts that give us an idea about the apostles’ lives and their martyrdom. Andrew, the first apostle Jesus called, was Peter’s brother. After Andrew heard from John the Baptist that Jesus was the Lamb of God, he told Peter they had found the Messiah. Andrew was the quieter of the two, usually mentioned as Peter’s brother. Learn about Andrew’s travels east and possibly north, his crucifixion on an “X”-shaped cross, the disposition of his remains and his connection to Scotland. Finally, discover evidence of Bartholomew’s identification with Nathaniel, his travels to India and his martyrdom.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 13 & Matthew 16:15-18
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 59 mins 1 sec
Acts is a transition, a historical narrative that is descriptive, not a prescriptive pattern of what happens in the Church today. The phenomena of the church growth movement in the late 60s based church growth on sociological issues and stressed experience as a validation of the Bible. As is often the case with Satan’s plan, this method seemed to work. But understand fully the instruction Jesus gives Peter to feed His lambs while He builds the church. Jesus doesn’t tell Peter to manage an organization through techniques in church growth, but instructs him to proclaim and teach. Review Paul’s journeys and allow instruction from his many discourses to teach us how we can maximize our approach with the message of God’s Word to people in our lives with differing backgrounds.

Also includes John 21:15-17
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 15:1-4 & Galatians 2:1-10
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 2 secs
After we're saved, do we have to work our heads off and follow a lot of rules to please God? This was the burning question being debated in the early church. Many of the Jewish-background believers demanded that new Gentile converts be circumcised and follow the Mosaic Law. Paul stood his ground, keeping his eye on the central issue of grace for both salvation and spiritual life. Follow the chronology of Paul's trips to Jerusalem and see the development of this issue as it is resolved. Understand the difference between legalists performing certain rituals to give them special standing in God's eyes and legitimate practices that lead to spiritual growth.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 15:6-31
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 7 secs
Knockdown, drag-out fights make rousing TV shows but don't do much to change opinions. When the early church began to have verbal brawls over the role of Jewish rituals, they decided to convene a council in Jerusalem to resolve the issue. The Pharisees had forgotten to check their rules at the door when they became believers and they wanted to impose them on new converts. Listen to this lesson to learn the different approaches Peter and James used to arrive at the conclusion that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Find out about the four rules decided upon to bring goodwill between Jewish and Christian believers.
Matthew (2013)
Sunday, December 01, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 4:12 & John 1:26-51
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 51 mins 46 secs
"Who does He think He is?" "I knew Him when He was just an ordinary kid." Listen to this lesson to see how His family and old acquaintances in his hometown found it unbelievable that Jesus was the promised Savior. Hear about those who did accept His Messiahship and those who rejected it. Discover the meaning of the word "believe" and whether a special kind of faith is needed or if the object of what we believe is what counts. See how Jesus threw Phillip for a loop when He revealed He had seen him under the fig tree and the significance of this. Consider the challenge of discipleship in your own life and see if you are willing to be a student of the Word of God for the journey of a lifetime. Also includes Luke 4:14-30.
Matthew (2013)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 4:17-25
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 52 mins 9 secs
Do you picture disciples as somehow being bathed in a holy glow? Listen to this lesson to learn what being a disciple actually means and how it's a possibility for all believers. Analyze the difference between being a casually curious student of the Bible or becoming profoundly committed to studying and applying the Word of God. Realize that while salvation is a free gift, discipleship always involves a cost that can't be sugar-coated. If you're ready to come on-board, accept that a disciple's life isn't always going to be smooth sailing but that it's ultimately a life of great gain.