MelchizedekDateTeachingTitle10-23-2016Matthew 22:41-46 & Psalm 110:3-4141 - The Priest-King [B] listen download watch read slideshow 03-06-20182 Samuel 5:5-12123 - Jerusalem: Capital of Israel [B] listen download watch slideshow 09-11-20181 Chronicles 15:1-16 & Genesis 14146 - Worship: Proclamation, Giving, Ritual [C] listen download watch read slideshow 03-12-2019Psalm08 - Does the Hebrew Bible Prophesy the Messiah? ... listen download watch slideshow 12-05-2021Ephesians 4:7-10 & Psalm 68:18131 - Ascent to the Right Hand of God [C] listen download watch slideshow 07-30-2024Genesis 14:1-24 & Deuteronomy 17:14-2021.1 - Kings for Israel: Israel Demands a King; W... listen download watch notes slideshow 08-06-2024Genesis 14:1-24 & 1 Samuel 8-1521.2 - Kings for Israel: Lessons on Sanctificatio listen download watch slideshow