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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

18 - God Creates; God Rules [B]

1 Samuel 2:4 & Psalm 135 by Robert Dean
Who decides what’s right and what’s wrong? The law? The courts? Public opinion? Listen to this lesson to learn that the creator God is sovereign and only He rules on what is right. See that what God decrees, He always carries out. Learn that He intervenes to reverse the plans of corrupt humanity and ultimately will break the power of those who think they are winning. Learn more about how Hannah’s psalm shows the power and majesty of God and how she praises Him. Because God has given mankind freedom, at times evil seems to be winning but fully trust that God is always in control.
Series:1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration:58 mins 36 secs