Tag Index
Each Bible class is assigned a few keywords or phrases called tags. This is simply an index or listing of all those tags. It is not an exhaustive index built from all the words in the titles, descriptions and transcripts. For that, you need to use the search function on the main menu.
Matthew 8:1-17 by Robert Dean
Who doesn't love to see previews of coming attractions at the movies? Listen to this lesson to see that when Jesus was on this earth He was giving a preview of the future Kingdom. Hear about His miracles and see how the selection and order of the events chosen by Matthew are designed to showcase Jesus as the promised Messiah. Gain an understanding of leprosy and the significance of Jesus healing the leper. Marvel, along with the humanity of Jesus, at the faith of the centurion. Accept that the only solution to our problems is trusting in Christ's death on the cross.
Series:Matthew (2013)
Duration:56 mins 18 secs