How to Remedy the Drifting

2 Tim 2:15 provides the remedy that will halt the doctrinal slippage that was going on in Ephesus. That verse and its context bring out several key elements in remedying the drifting.

(1) The goal. Notice Paul does not tell Timothy to attack the problem directly. He tells him to use indirect means. Don’t limit yourself to confronting these men directly, though that sometimes may be necessary as 2 Tim 4:2b indicates (“reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering”). Rather your goal is to gain the approval of God by making yourself an unashamed workman. Concentrate on the positive side of teaching the Word of truth. You are to be a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser. You are not to allow yourself to be distracted by mere human considerations. You are to have an eye that is single toward His will and glory. You are looking for His seal of approval. Strive to maintain His standards so that you have nothing to be ashamed of before Him. ...<.p>

Series:2009 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration:1 hr 12 mins 59 secs