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  • Entering a search string with no other criteria (such as AND, NOT, or quote marks) will return some of the context around the words you entered (which are highlighted) as well as a link to the audio player for the class.
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  • Entering a search string in quotes will return links to items that contain the exact phrase as well as part of the description of each class.

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Search Results

Messages with tag - Providence of God

1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
by Robert Dean
Passage: 1 Samuel 29:1-11
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 27 secs
Wouldn’t it be great to know you are always under strong protection? Listen to this lesson to hear how David was being helped by the providence of God working behind the scenes. See that all believers have the assurance that God is taking care of them. Learn that David’s deception of Achish was a kind of wisdom we need when living in a pagan environment. Take comfort in knowing God is intimately involved in the oversight of His creation.
Hurricane Harvey Special: Give Thanks to the Lord
Sunday, September 24, 2017
by Robert Dean
Passage: Psalm 107:33-43
Series: Hurricane Harvey Special: Give Thanks to the Lord
Duration: 53 mins 29 secs
Does it seem like there are more natural disasters than usual and why are they occurring now? Listen to this lesson to learn that God is the One ultimately behind the weather and events of nature. See that God delivers His people from their adversities and the solution to our troubles is prayer. Find out what the Bible teaches about God’s providential care of all but especially those who believe in Him. Review five reasons for suffering. Follow the closing challenge of this Psalm to be wise and understand the lovingkindness of the Lord in good times and bad.
1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Tuesday, September 03, 2019
by Robert Dean
Passage: 2 Samuel 8-10 & Psalm 60:1-12
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 27 secs
In the Bible God makes many promises to believers. How are they to claim those promises for their own lives? Listen to this lesson to learn three steps that are necessary. Hear five summary points on the providence of God and its relationship to the course of history. See the role luck plays in our lives. Listen to a psalm of David as he questions God about why Israel lost some important battles and learn what God reveals He is going to do to Israel’s enemies as He reassures David that He always keeps His promises.
Sunday, November 22, 2020
by Robert Dean
Passage: Psalm 107
Series: Holiday Specials
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 51 secs
“Give Thanks to God Most High.” How thankful are you today? It’s easy when we’re warm and full and comfortable but how could our Pilgrim forefathers celebrate? Listen to this lesson to learn what gave these men and women the inner strength to face adversity. Hear a timeline for the development of Protestants and God’s providential care. Find out the hardships the Pilgrims faced their first year and how their goals for coming here motivated them to endure. Today as we are coming to the end of a year of chaos and uncertainty, we, too, need to praise God for all He has done and is doing for us.
Sunday, March 06, 2022
by Robert Dean & Jim Myers
Passage: Psalm 116:1-19 & Psalm 91:1-4
Series: Dr. Dean One-Lesson Specials
Duration: 1 hr 13 mins 59 secs
What should a believer do who finds himself in the difficult situation of being stuck in a country who has just been invaded by an enemy? Listen to Pastor Robby Dean and Missionary Jim Myers tell about their harrowing extraction from Ukraine after it was recently invaded by Russia. Following Psalm 116 and Psalm 91 find out that the believer’s emphasis must be on their thinking, not emotions, and they need to concentrate on God’s promises. Listen to this enthralling story of how God provided a safe way out and was always working on their behalf. Be challenged when you face difficulties in your own life to recall the Word of God which you have hidden in your heart and the verses you have memorized in peaceful, quiet times. Remember to pray for the many Ukrainians whose lives have been disrupted by these dangerous events.