Sunday, August 14, 2016
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 22:15-22
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 51 mins 41 secs
What should Christians’ attitudes be toward their government? Listen to this lesson to learn that nowhere in the Scripture is rebellion against government advocated. See that God instituted human government and delegated authority through divine institutions. Find out when God decreed the death penalty for murder. Learn that every time we submit to authority we can do it as unto the Lord and it counts for eternal reward.
A scan of the article about the Communist Rules for Revolution that Dr. Dean mentioned during this Bible class is available on the notes link below.
Thursday, August 13, 2020
by Robert Dean
Series: How Should We Then Vote? (2020)
Duration: 1 hr 18 mins 18 secs
Why should we have a government? Can’t people just be trusted to do what’s right? Listen to this lesson to learn about the necessity for the fourth Divine Institution, human government. Find out that in order to have a productive civilization it is necessary to restrain evil and sin. See how the first two thousand years of history played out as man’s evil increased, resulting in demons trying to pervert the human race. Understand that it is only through laws and a righteous justice system that mankind can live in peace and prosperity.