Messages with tag - Bible interpretation

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, October 06, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 46 mins 18 secs
Beginning to Observe.

Hendricks, Living By the Book, Chapters 5 and 6

Understanding inductive Bible study methods vs. deductive Bible study methods.

Handout #1 - The Student, The Fish, and Agassiz

Handout #2 - The Cruciality of Structure

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, October 06, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 45 mins 43 secs

Hendricks, Living By the Book, Chapters 5 and 6. Beginning to observe. Observation exercises


Read Hendricks, Living by the Book, chapters 7-8.

Read the entire book of James every day.

Around Saturday (after you've read the book of James every day), write 15-25 observations on James 1:19.

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 08, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 45 mins 14 secs
Introduction to Interpretation

Hendricks, Living By the Book, chapters 27 through 29

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 08, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 38 mins 8 secs

Problems in Biblical Understanding

Hendricks, Living By the Book, chapters 27 through 29

Read Hendricks, Living By the Book, chapters 30-32.
Read Hendricks, Living By the Book Workbook, chapters 49-51. Work on the assignment in Chapter 49 pertaining to Habakkuk.

Dr. Dean also recommended the following books on Bible interpretation:
Protestant Biblical Interpretation: A Textbook of Hermeneutics by Bernard Ramm
Basic Bible Interpretation by Roy B. Zuck
Expository Hermeneutics: an Introduction by Elliot Johnson
Evangelical Hermeneutics: The New Versus the Old by Robert L. Thomas

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 39 mins 55 secs
Content, Context, and Comparison

Hendricks, Living by the Book, chapters 30 through 32

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 15, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 45 mins 59 secs
History of Biblical Interpretation - Up to the Reformation

Hendricks, Living by the Book, chapters 30 through 32

Read Hendricks, Living By the Book, chapters 33-35.

Read Hendricks, Living By the Book Workbook, chapters 52-54. Continue working on the assignment in Habakkuk.

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 22, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 37 mins 28 secs

History of Biblical Interpretation - Review and Begin History from Luther and the Protestant Reformation
Allegorical Interpretation

Hendricks, Living by the Book, chapters 33-35

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, December 22, 2013
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 40 mins 36 secs
History of Biblical Interpretation - Calvin and the Protestant Reformation through the 20th Century

Hendricks, Living by the Book, chapters 33-35

Read Hendricks, Living by the Book Workbook, chapters 49-54. Continue working on the assignments in Habakkuk and reading through Habakkuk.

Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, January 05, 2014
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 42 mins 26 secs
Principles of Hermeneutics.
The Bible as a Human Book
Bible Study Methods (2013)
Sunday, January 05, 2014
by Robert Dean
Series: Bible Study Methods (2013)
Duration: 34 mins 10 secs
Principles of Hermeneutics.
The Bible as a Divine Book

Hendricks, Living by the Book

Read Hendricks, Living by the Book Workbook, chapters 49-54. Continue working on the assignments in Habakkuk and reading through Habakkuk.