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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

Messages with tag - Loving one another

Thursday, September 05, 2024
Passage: Philippians 4:2
Series: Philippians (2022)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 46 secs
What is the core characteristic that demonstrates we are growing believers? Listen to this message to learn that when we love one another as Christ loves us, we are showing our belief in Christ. Accept that all believers will have people testing to give us an opportunity to apply these mandates for the Christian life. Hear a number of examples of how Christians are to love one another when they are walking by means of the Holy Spirit.
Sunday, April 16, 2023
Passage: John 13:34-35 & Deuteronomy 6:5-8
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 54 mins 34 secs
What is the difference between loving your neighbor as yourself and loving one another? Listen to this lesson to learn that in the Mosaic Law people were commanded to love their neighbor as themselves, but in the New Testament Jesus gave a new commandment for believers to love one another as He loved us. Hear a definition of love that emphasizes that it is a mental attitude and not an emotion. Hear six principles that will help you understand and apply Christian love for one another.
Sunday, November 06, 2022
Passage: Ephesians 4:25
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 50 mins 42 secs
“I take care of myself and everyone else should do the same.” If this is your attitude, listen to this lesson to learn that the Bible says all members of the body of Christ are to love and help the other members. Hear the first two biblical principles on how to minister to one another in this manner. Remember we control how we interact with other believers and it should be in kindness, grace, and love.
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Passage: Romans 12:17-18
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 49 secs
Where's your comfort zone? Do you find it easy to dislike that obnoxious neighbor? Listen to this lesson as the Apostle Paul teaches us that the purpose of learning Biblical truth is to be changed. As we walk by means of the Holy Spirit we can learn to love one another, no matter how unlovable someone is. See the command not to demand justice and pay people back for what they do to us. Discover that our greatest enemy is what we think, considering ourselves to be better than others and deserving to get our own way. Examine the basic spiritual skills we need to employ in order to resolve problems with one another.