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Dean Bible Ministries has published the following books. You can order them by clicking on PLACE ORDER below.


What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. and Dr. Thomas Ice

What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare is now available to download in PDF format by clicking here.



God's Powerful Promises by Dr. Robert L. Dean

God’s Powerful Promises has now been published in 14 different languages. You can immediately download PDF files of the booklet in Afrikaans, Armenian, Bembo, English, French (Polynesian), German, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian here.

(Links below are to PDF files in a printable format in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian)


Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover


God's Powerful Promises is now available for free download. Select the English format you'd prefer:

For printing as a 2-sided booklet - English

For viewing/printing pages in numerical order - English.

The Spanish translation of God's Powerful Promises is available here:

Spanish version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order

God's Powerful Promises has been translated into Ukrainian and is now available for download.

For printing as a 2-sided booklet on A4 paper - Ukrainian


Ukrainian version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order


There is no price for these publications. The publishing of all printed material offered by Dean Bible Ministries is supported by grace donations.  

See our financial policy.

Book Order Form




Podcasts of all the Bible class series are now available. Just find the series you want to podcast and look for the podcast URL in the description of the series. Look for the podcast icon.


Transcripts Collection


UPDATED 5-9-20

Available for download is a file that will enable you to put over 2,500 transcripts and slides from Dr. Dean’s Bible studies on your computer for quick access plus the ability to search for key words, doctrines, verses, topics, etc.


This updated file includes the addition of new transcripts since 7/1/14.

Click here for more details.


Wednesday, 21 August 2024 17:44

Tuesday Bible Class - August 20 - Interlocked

Lesson 22, Part 2: King David: The Second King - Adultery and Murder ...

Judges 150x150• Adultery and Murder: Confession, Forgiveness, Consequences
• David a Model King
• Three Sanctification Lessons
• How to Have Faith and Confidence in God

After trusting in Christ for salvation we still sin. Listen to this lesson to learn from King David's life how to deal with our sin so we can resume our partnership with God and our spiritual growth. Find out the three stages in restoration from sin and how no matter what sins David committed, he always had a heart for the Lord. Understand the meaning of repentance and cleansing and the necessity of trusting God's Word.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024 03:38

Sunday Bible Class - August 18 - Ephesians

How to Thank God

When unpleasant and adverse things start happening in your life what are you to do? Listen to this message to learn that as a believer it is God's will that you show gratitude to Him for everything, including things you wish were not happening. Learn how often you are to give thanks, who you are to address your thanks to, and what results will happen when you express thanks as you're walking by means of the Holy Spirit.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Friday, 16 August 2024 20:44

Thursday Bible Class - August 15 - Philippians

Are There Really Carnal Christians?

What is a carnal Christian? Listen to this message to hear a definition and learn there are people who believe Christians cannot be carnal. Find out three things that the Apostle Paul says characterize these enemies of the Cross, including their focus on things on this earth instead of eternal values. See the difference between the natural man and the regenerate man who has received a human spirit.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 14 August 2024 18:54

Tuesday Bible Class - August 13 - Interlocked

Lesson 22, Part 1: King David: The Second King

Judges 150x150• Anointed king
• King David Brought the Ark of God to Jerusalem
• Yahweh made an unconditional covenant with David

What can we learn from contrasting King Saul's and King David's reigns over Israel? Listen to this lesson to learn how Saul failed and David was successful because he respected authority and obeyed God the majority of the time. Find out that David was a mighty warrior and a skilled musician who wrote many of the psalms and had a desire to please God. Learn about the details of the five covenants, one of which was temporary.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Monday, 12 August 2024 23:11

Sunday Bible Class - August 11 - Ephesians

God’s Pattern for Hymns

How can the hymns we sing as a congregation glorify God? Listen to this message to learn that the hymns are to showcase who God is and what He does as the most important part of the hymn. Although we will never have perfect worship, we should aim to the lofty goal of glorifying God. Hear five standards for our worship music and see how they should show doctrinal development as the psalms do.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Sunday, 11 August 2024 22:26

God’s Powerful Promises Book in Ukraine

The following short video gives you a glimpse of a church in Ukraine where one of our contacts by the name of Vasya has distributed hundreds of our God's Powerful Promises booklet. Many of these people don't have Bibles, so this is a welcome provision for them. 

Dean Bible Ministries has been printing thousands of these booklets in Ukraine in their language ever since the war broke out. Faithful people, like Vasya, have been driving them to locations such as this. This church is located in the town of Kramatorsk which is 15 miles from the war's front lines. Please be in prayer for these people. 

Hover over the image to see the controls to play the video.

Wednesday, 07 August 2024 19:10

Tuesday Bible Class - August 6 - Interlocked

Lesson 21, Part 2: Kings for Israel: Israel Demands a King: Lessons on Sanctification

Judges 150x1501) Only God can provide real security and assurance
2) Though Israel rejected God, God remained faithful

Why did God reject Saul as king over Israel? Listen to this message to find out why Saul failed as Israel's first king. See that Saul thought his ways were as good as what God required of a king and so he disobeyed Him. Learn that all of us have the same tendency to seek what pleases us and makes us comfortable rather than following what we learn we are to do in God’s Word. Find out what sanctification is and how to grow spiritually.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Monday, 05 August 2024 17:58

Sunday Bible Class - August 4 - Ephesians

Worship and the World

How can you, as a believer, keep from being influenced by the subtle influence of the world around you? Listen to this message to hear a definition of the world system and find out what forms it and what opposes it. See the importance of having standards that will stand firm in the worst of a pagan culture. Examine two contemporary hymns and compare them in several ways to classic high culture hymns of the past ages.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

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Items of Interest