Sunday Bible Class - January 12 - Ephesians
Responsibilities of the Church in Worship
Do you ever question whether God has our best interests in mind? Listen to this message to learn that God created everything perfect and it is sin that has corrupted our world. The mandates we have in the Bible teaching us how to live in a fallen world are given by Him and are based on an authority structure. These regulations refer to what is to occur in our public worship to ensure we can focus on God and not be disturbed.
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Thursday Bible Class - January 9 - Interlocked
Lesson 27, Part 1: Living as Believers in a Pagan Culture - Part 1
• The Book of Daniel is a “Wisdom” Book
- Life for Exiles in a Pagan Culture
• How to Face Conflicts with Hostile Pagan Governments
How do we, as believers, live in a culture that is anti-biblical? Listen to this message to hear how four young Israeli exiles to Babylon lived and even prospered in this hostile environment. Begin a study of principles that teach us what we should do and things we should not do. See how we are to make a case for our position respecting the authorities over us.
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Sunday Bible Class - January 5 - Ephesians
Priorities in Public Worship
The Scriptures contain life lessons for us so we can realign our thinking and opinions to God's standards for all believers. Find out what submission for both men and women means and hear a discussion comparing and contrasting two New Testmant passages that further explain ways we are to submit. Be challenged to realign your thinking so you will lead a tranquil life both in the home and in public worship.
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Tuesday Bible Class - December 24 - Christmas Special
Announcements of the Angels – Part 2
What message did the angel give to the shepherds? Listen to this lesson to learn that the angel made a four-part announcement and what each part meant. See how a multitude of angels joined the angel in the sky and what the word “peace” means. During the Christmas season and throughout the year be challenged to accept God's Word when you read it or hear it spoken and then praise God for all His wonderful gifts given to mankind.
Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.
Sunday Bible Class - December 22 - Christmas Special
Announcements of the Angels – Part 1
How did the angels announce the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ? Listen to this message to learn about what was said to Zechariah, a priest, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Joseph, Jesus’ legal father. Compare and contrast the announcements. When you read or hear the Word of God, you can reject it, accept it but want more clarification, or trust and obey it.
Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.
God’s Powerful Promises Book in Ukraine
The following short video gives you a glimpse of a church in Ukraine where one of our contacts by the name of Vasya has distributed hundreds of our God's Powerful Promises booklet. Many of these people don't have Bibles, so this is a welcome provision for them.
Dean Bible Ministries has been printing thousands of these booklets in Ukraine in their language ever since the war broke out. Faithful people, like Vasya, have been driving them to locations such as this. This church is located in the town of Kramatorsk which is 15 miles from the war's front lines. Please be in prayer for these people.
Hover over the image to see the controls to play the video.
Dr. Dean and Jim Myers in Romania
Today, Pastor Dean and Jim Myers spoke at a Roma church in the village of Gulia, Romania which is a Christian Church According to the Gospel Maranatha. Dr. Dean reports being very warmly received and the congregation very much desires for them both to come back soon. The Brethern pastor of the church is looking into transcribing and translating the Light from the Light videos so they can be subtitled in Romanian.
They have two more churches scheduled for tomorrow in another nearby village.