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Dean Bible Ministries has published the following books. You can order them by clicking on PLACE ORDER below.


What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare by Dr. Robert L. Dean Jr. and Dr. Thomas Ice

What the Bible Teaches About Spiritual Warfare is now available to download in PDF format by clicking here.



God's Powerful Promises by Dr. Robert L. Dean

God’s Powerful Promises has now been published in 14 different languages. You can immediately download PDF files of the booklet in Afrikaans, Armenian, Bembo, English, French (Polynesian), German, Indonesian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swahili, and Ukrainian here.

(Links below are to PDF files in a printable format in English, Spanish, and Ukrainian)


Promises Thumbnail Ukr Cover


God's Powerful Promises is now available for free download. Select the English format you'd prefer:

For printing as a 2-sided booklet - English

For viewing/printing pages in numerical order - English.

The Spanish translation of God's Powerful Promises is available here:

Spanish version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order

God's Powerful Promises has been translated into Ukrainian and is now available for download.

For printing as a 2-sided booklet on A4 paper - Ukrainian


Ukrainian version for viewing/printing pages in numerical order


There is no price for these publications. The publishing of all printed material offered by Dean Bible Ministries is supported by grace donations.  

See our financial policy.

Book Order Form




Podcasts of all the Bible class series are now available. Just find the series you want to podcast and look for the podcast URL in the description of the series. Look for the podcast icon.


Transcripts Collection


UPDATED 5-9-20

Available for download is a file that will enable you to put over 2,500 transcripts and slides from Dr. Dean’s Bible studies on your computer for quick access plus the ability to search for key words, doctrines, verses, topics, etc.


This updated file includes the addition of new transcripts since 7/1/14.

Click here for more details.


Friday, 26 July 2024 19:12

Thursday Bible Class - July 25 - Philippians

Imitating Paul = Imitating Christ

What key patterns does the Apostle Paul want us to imitate? Listen to this message to learn that as we mature spiritually we should have unity in our thoughts and actions that come from the Word of God. Hear the chronological order of a number of passages where Paul encourages believers to imitate him as he is imitating Christ. Find out that the goal is to walk in love so we will be worthy of our calling.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024 18:20

Tuesday Bible Class - July 23 - Interlocked

Lesson 19, Part 2: Understanding Suffering: Why Does God Allow Sin, Evil, and Personal Suffering? Suffering Because of God’s Intervention

Judges 150x150Last week we heard about how our actions bring on much of our own suffering. Tonight we're going to hear about several categories of undeserved suffering and how God uses them for our benefit. For unbelievers, God uses suffering as a wake-up call to turn them to faith in Christ. For believers, this suffering can motivate us to spiritual growth. We need to remember that we are being observed by others when we suffer to see if we are trusting God and are joyful.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Monday, 22 July 2024 19:09

Sunday Bible Class - July 21 - Ephesians

Excellence in Song

What is beauty? The Bible says a lot about objective, intrinsic beauty which fits eternal guidelines. Hear twelve biblical standards for beauty and find out that we can evaluate music we sing in church by these standards. All that we do should be to glorify God, which means pursue excellence in our music which conforms to the standards of Philippians 4:8. Look to God's creation to see excellence in beauty and observe a chart that contrasts pop culture with traditional/high culture.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Friday, 19 July 2024 18:34

Thursday Bible Class - July 18 - Philippians

Be Imitators

What does the Apostle Paul mean when he tells believers to be imitators of himself? Listen to this message to learn that Paul is referring to a pattern all believers are to follow which comes from Jesus Christ. In contrast, see that we are not to follow the example of those who are enemies of the Cross. Find out the importance of looking at the context to gain the meaning of Scripture.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 17 July 2024 02:28

Tuesday Bible Class - July 16 - Interlocked

Lesson 19, Part 1: Understanding Suffering: Why Does God Allow Sin, Evil, and Personal Suffering?

Judges 150x150Why is there evil, sin, and suffering in the world? Listen to this message to learn that God allows evil in the world that is brought about by man's own actions. See that God is always the invisible factor in all events and He uses suffering to fulfill His own plan for the good of those who trust in Him. Hear a number of direct causes of suffering and how believers are commanded to be thankful for their suffering.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Tuesday, 16 July 2024 00:38

Sunday Bible Class - July 14 - Ephesians

Standards for Singing

Are there biblical guidelines for singing in churches? Listen to this message to learn that all believers are to join in singing the hymns and not just listen to musical entertainers. See that the role of the local church is to teach a biblical culture and that God is the ultimate reference point for truth and beauty. Find out that learning how to think biblically may take all of our lifetime.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Friday, 12 July 2024 21:46

Thursday Bible Class - July 11 - Philippians

The Upward Call

Are you organizing your time and your efforts in order to pursue the objective God has for your life? Listen to this message to learn that when we trust in Christ as our Savior we are given the assets we need to fulfill the plan God has for our life, which is to reflect the image of Christ. Find out several biblical meanings for the word "call" and see that we are to focus on running the race to gain a reward promised for those who reach the goal.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

Wednesday, 10 July 2024 20:17

Sunday Bible Class - July 7 - Ephesians

Worship is Defined by Christ

Why do we meet several times a week to hold church services? Listen to this message to answer this questions and others about worship in church. Find out when congregational singing began and when Christ first mentioned the Church when He was on earth. Hear a number of purposes the church is to fulfill and what the role of the pastor is.

Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

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