Bible Studies

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Messages with tag - Ordinances of God

Thursday, September 29, 2016
Passage: 1 Peter 2:13-17
Series: 1 Peter (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 25 secs
What does grace orientation have to do with our response to authority? Listen to this lesson to see that Jesus is our major example of submission to unjust authority. Hear the only exception to obeying legitimate authority. When faced with unjust but designated authority, do not look for wiggle room or an escape clause or you will be resisting the ordinances of God.