September 2018 - December 2024
How should we live as believers? Ephesians will inform us of our riches, our spiritual assets, in Christ and how we are to live. Ephesians is the most significant book for understanding our roles and responsibilities as Church Age believers. Listen to the series to put your spiritual growth into hyperdrive.
Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here or here.
To view all video Bible studies in the Ephesians series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube). Both platforms now include closed captioning. VIdeos on VImeo include the entire worship service, while those on YouTube only include the Bible teaching from the service.
Sunday, June 30, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:14
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 48 mins 5 secs
Who wouldn’t like to learn that a rich uncle has left them a huge inheritance? Listen to this lesson to begin a remarkable study of what the Bible teaches about the inheritance that is promised to every believer in Christ. Find out that biblical inheritance is not related to anyone’s death nor our eternal salvation. Learn that there are two kinds of inheritance taught in the Bible. Gain a better understanding of inheritance by studying the Abrahamic Covenant and rejoice that as a believer you can have absolute assurance of your future inheritance.
Sunday, June 23, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:13-14
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 52 mins 23 secs
Once you believe in Christ, can you lose your salvation? Listen to this lesson to learn that our salvation depends on God and not on us so nothing we can do can cause us to lose it. Note that our salvation occurs when we hear the good news of the gospel and believe in Christ and see what else happens at that moment. Hear a number of passages that talk about eternal security in Scripture. Find out about the sealing ministry of the Holy Spirit, which assures us that Christians will always be God’s possession.
Sunday, June 16, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:11-12
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 57 mins 50 secs
What does it mean to be God’s possession? Listen to this lesson to learn that God has laid claim to all who believe in Christ and are “in Him”. Find out that God’s foreknowledge preceded His appointing all who accept Christ’s death on the Cross to a predetermined purpose. Once we know our destiny, see how we are to serve God and grow to spiritual maturity.
Sunday, June 09, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:10
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 51 mins 26 secs
Imagine a world with no evil. Listen to this lesson to learn about the dispensation of the fullness of times when Jesus Christ will end all demonic and Satanic activity. See the ultimate goal of God in human history. Find out how we are to honor the glory of God in our lives. See that God’s purpose for believers is to be prepared to rule and reign with Christ in the coming kingdom.
Sunday, June 02, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:9-10
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 59 mins 21 secs
What is the biblical meaning of dispensations? Listen to this lesson to learn the characteristics of each dispensation and three essential elements, including the importance of literal interpretation. Hear the distinct responsibilities of man and the promises and blessings from God for each. See that whatever we do, we should do for the glory of God to show His majesty, power, authority, and His unfailing love for us.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:9-10
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 7 secs
What is a dispensation? Listen to this lesson to learn that the term refers to different plans of God that He is working out in human history. Hear a number of facts about dispensations, including the definition, the Greek and Latin words, and that God has a final culmination in view. Understand the importance of learning about the characteristics of the current dispensation so that we can fulfill our responsibility to grow to spiritual maturity.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:8-10
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 53 mins 8 secs
Do you enjoy reading or watching a good mystery? Listen to this lesson to learn that “mystery” had a different meaning in ancient times than it does today. Find out that in the New Testament mystery does not refer to any form of mysticism, but that it involves knowledge that has been revealed by God. Hear the four ways we gain knowledge and which one is God’s truth. See how previously unrevealed information was shown to Peter and learn how being a Jew or a Gentile is no longer an important factor but that all believers are one in Christ.
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:7-9
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 39 mins 17 secs
Are you impressed with all God has done for you and given to you? Listen to this lesson to learn that grace is given to all believers without it being earned or deserved. Find out that Christ has given us a superabundance of resources to handle life no matter what kind of problems we face. See where this wealth is found and learn if we have to wait until we reach Heaven before we receive it. Be challenged to understand the wealth of God’s grace and find out how we can treat others graciously.
Sunday, May 05, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:7
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 51 mins 55 secs
When you do something wrong, wouldn’t you like to think you will be forgiven? Listen to this lesson to learn how God has graciously forgiven our sins even though we haven’t earned it or don’t deserve it. Find out when this forgiveness took place and how and why God forgives us. Hear two Greek words used for forgiveness and how they emphasize the attitude of grace. See four categories of forgiveness and learn that we can express our gratitude to God for His forgiveness by forgiving those who have harmed us.
Sunday, April 28, 2019
Passage: Ephesians 1:7
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 49 mins 28 secs
If someone has wronged us, should we demand they apologize or “pay” for their deed before we forgive them? Listen to this lesson to learn that Christ set an example of forgiveness when He forgave those who crucified Him. See the connection between redemption and forgiveness. Find out that redemption always refers to a price being paid and Christ paid our sin debt. Hear a number of facts about redemption and rejoice that all we need do to receive this forgiveness is to believe in Christ.