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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.
Ephesians (2018)

Ephesians (2018)

September 2018 - December 2024

How should we live as believers? Ephesians will inform us of our riches, our spiritual assets, in Christ and how we are to live. Ephesians is the most significant book for understanding our roles and responsibilities as Church Age believers. Listen to the series to put your spiritual growth into hyperdrive.

Video DVDs of these lessons can be ordered here or here.

To view all video Bible studies in the Ephesians series, click here (Vimeo) or here (YouTube). Both platforms now include closed captioning. VIdeos on VImeo include the entire worship service, while those on YouTube only include the Bible teaching from the service.

To listen to this series as a podcast, copy and paste the following URL into your podcast software.
Sunday, June 02, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-16 & Isaiah 6:1-4
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 48 mins 41 secs
Why do we worship God? Listen to this message to learn that you need to saturate your thinking with the Word of God on a day-to-day basis to understand why God is worthy of all of our praise. Hear a number of biblical examples of people who worshiped God. See how the prophet Isaiah was in awe of God's uniqueness when He was taken to the Throne Room of God. Set aside time to learn about the character of God and all He has done for us.
Sunday, May 05, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:18-21 & 2 Chronicles 6:18
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 49 mins 35 secs
Do you have a “small” view of the God of the universe and enjoy worshiping Him in ways that are relaxed and familiar? Listen to this message to begin to understand God’s immensity and His holiness. See that He is unique and that any time someone in the Bible was in His presence they fell down in awe. The challenge for us is to focus on God and His uniqueness and not to diminish His greatness by our acts of worship.
Sunday, April 28, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:18-22 & 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 49 mins 17 secs

Are there any biblical guidelines teaching us how we are to worship God? Listen to this message to learn that both the Old and New Testaments show us the correct way. Hear three assumptions to help us in this area. Find out there are authorized worship practices and unauthorized practices and what happens to those who choose to worship God the wrong way.

Please note that Dr. Dean intended to refer to Mt. Hermon rather than Mt. Carmel in reference to the mount of transfiguration.

Sunday, April 21, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:18-22 & Isaiah 6:1-4
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 52 mins 32 secs
How should we worship God? Listen to this message that begins a new series on worshiping God biblically. Find out that true worship occurs as a result of being filled with God’s Word by means of the Holy Spirit. Hear how the prophet Isaiah felt when he entered the presence of God and realized God’s majesty and his own sinfulness. Be prepared to see that music is only one facet of worshiping God.
Sunday, April 14, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-16 & Galatians 5:25
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 43 mins 50 secs

What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual growth of a believer? Listen to this message to learn that a believer’s spiritual life is empowered by both the Word of God and the Spirit of God. See that walking is used to illustrate how we are to live, how we are to think, and how we are to act. See an illustration that pulls all three of these together and find out the results when we walk by means of the Spirit.

View Bill Katz's excellent Seder presentation.

Sunday, March 24, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-18
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 57 mins 12 secs
What energizes our spiritual life after we trust in Christ? Listen to this message to learn that the Holy Spirit indwells every believer and we are to receive what the Spirit is teaching us from the Word of God. Find out this can only be accomplished when we are walking by the Holy Spirit. Learn about three results that come from being filled with the Spirit.
Sunday, March 17, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-18
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 54 mins 19 secs
Why is there so much confusion about the meaning of the filling of the Holy Spirit? Listen to this message to learn that the command to be filled with the Holy Spirit is a Greek idiom that appears only once. Find out several other phrases of being filled which use different Greek words. See that understanding this is critical to our spiritual growth.
Sunday, February 25, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-18
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 26 secs
Why is there so much confusion concerning the biblical command to be filled with the Holy Spirit and living the spiritual life after we are saved? Listen to this message to understand the difference between literal and allegorical interpretation of Scripture and the history of how these developed. See how the rise of allegorical interpretation led to many heresies including Replacement Theology.
Sunday, February 18, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:15-16
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 55 mins 57 secs
Have you ever thought how to walk in wisdom? Do you use your time wisely or do you just react to what’s happening around you? Listen to this message to learn the importance of time management in your spiritual life. Find out what it means to redeem the time and hear a number of biblical priorities concerning the use of time.
Sunday, February 11, 2024
Passage: Ephesians 5:11-14
Series: Ephesians (2018)
Duration: 36 mins 30 secs
Are you a spiritually lazy believer, just dozing your way through life? Listen to this message to learn that after you have trusted Christ as your Savior you are to begin to walk in the light of God’s Word and awaken to a different kind of thinking than that of the pagan thoughts you had as an unbeliever. Find out there are things of darkness we are not to even talk or think about.