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Acts 8:14-18 by Robert Dean
Syria under the Assad regime is clearly an enemy of the US and the west. However, there is much to this situation that is not explained in our media. Hear other dimensions to this problem in this class. After Philip's successful evangelism in Samaria, Peter and John are sent by the apostles in Jerusalem to Samaria. Only then, after they have believed and received believer's baptism, do they receive the Holy Spirit. Why didn’t the Samaritans instantly receive the Holy Spirit at the moment of salvation? Pastor Dean explains the four Pentecosts in Acts and the role speaking in tongues has, or may not have, in each. What is the purpose of speaking in tongues? How is it related to the Jews? Why was speaking in tongues not necessary at the Pentecost in Samaria?
Series:Acts (2010)
Duration:1 hr 5 mins 29 secs