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The Millennial Kingdom Dispensation of Christ Part 2
We have already looked at the first six verses of Revelation chapter 20 to basically see two things. This is all we learn in Revelation about the Millennium. First is a one-thousand-year period of time. It is not a term that describes an ideal period of time, it is not a sort of spiritualized number to indicate just a vague long period of time, but that 1000 years means 1000 years. "Millennium" is a word that is used to describe this 1000-year reign of Christ, based upon this particular chapter. Secondly, Satan is going to be bound during that time. He is removed from the earth and there is no influence from Satan or demons during the time of the Millennial kingdom. This means that whatever problems there are on the earth come simply because of fallen natures, humans who are sinners.
In the Millennium there will be a perfect political system, the Lord Jesus Christ will be King. The perfect political system biblically is not a democracy or a republic; it is a monarchy and a monarchy where the monarch is absolutely perfect and without sin. It is only when there is a ruler that is sinless that there can be any level of perfection in government. Until that point all governments are composed of evil individuals who will generate evil within their governmental system. The Millennium will start with everybody being believers but by the end of the 1000 years there is a huge number of those who will have rejected God, rejected the grace of Jesus Christ, in favor of elevating their own power lust and sin nature, Satan is released and there will be rebellion.
Non-literal amillennial interpretation says there is not really a literal 1000-year reign of Christ on the earth and 1000 years is just a figurative term, not a literal number; it just indicates that there will be a lengthy ideal period of a utopian kingdom on the earth. In that view the first resurrection is understood to be what happens spiritually at conversion and the kingdom is spiritual, not literal, and in their view we are now in the kingdom. Where we will hear this is when we hear people talking about doing such and so for the kingdom. They are talking about what they are doing ere and now, not about what we are going to do in the future. In some sense that view that we are in some spiritual form of the kingdom today, Christ is reigning from a spiritualized throne of David in heaven, it is not a physical literal throne but just a spiritualized throne and this age will end when Jesus returns at the second coming. All judgments take place at that point and then we go into eternity. Then there is post-millennialism which grew out of amillennialism and it is the idea that under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit the church will expand its influence during this age, the [spiritual] kingdom will spread and permeate all of the nations and cultures, and under the ministry of God the Holy Spirit the church basically, not in a militant sense but through evangelism, the kingdom come into its fullness. After that is established the Lord Jesus Christ returns—after the Millennium has come into existence.
Revelation 20:2 NASB "And he laid hold of the dragon, the serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years;
How do we know about the rest of the characteristics of the Millennial kingdom? We only know those if we go back to the Old Testament. If we are witnessing to Jews we should go to the Old Testament to establish that the future Millennial kingdom is a Jewish kingdom ruled by the Messiah. God will establish His King over that kingdom and that King is referred to by that Old Testament term which means "the anointed [or, appointed] one." The Messiah is going to rule. There is very little talk in modern Judaism about the Messiah. Modern Judaism was a reformulation of what the Jews believed (primarily the Pharisaical Party) at the Council of [ ??? ] 90 AD, some 20 years after the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. The rabbis who survived gathered together and held the Council for determining how they were going to continue to unify the Jewish community, now dispersed among the Gentile nations, and restructure Judaism, a templeless, sacrificeless Judaism. They restructured their beliefs and that is known as rabbinical theology, it is not identical with what is going on in the Old Testament. It is really a misnomer to talk about what was going on in the Old Testament as Judaism. They had a real problem dealing with Jesus—passages like Isaiah 53. We believe that refers to Jesus, and it took them almost 1000 years to come up with an interpretation of the suffering servant in Isaiah that claimed it wasn't talking about an individual but about the nation. And there were other things that came in during the middle ages by the rabbis that restructured Judaism. One of these was to reject any discussion about the Messiah.
There are basically three ways to establish a future Jewish kingdom and of we can think our way through these then when the opportunity comes to speak to a Jew we have some guidance in what passages to go to. The first way is to talk about the covenants that God made to the Jewish people in the Old Testament. The Abrahamic covenant is the foundational covenant, then the land covenant, the Davidic covenant and the New covenant—and that God never completely fulfilled those covenants. The second approach is that there are specific promises about the Messiah: just what does the Old Testament say about the Messiah? There are probably 30 or 40 passages that we could go to to establish certain things about the Messiah, but perhaps the best thing to do is just pick about five key passages that are very clear about who the Messiah is and what the Messiah is going to do. The third element would be to establish the character of the Jewish kingdom. What did the prophets say about this kingdom?
We learn from the Old Testament that the Messiah will reign as the King from the literal throne of David in Israel throughout the kingdom period as a fulfillment of the Davidic covenant. He is not ruling from any spiritualized throne up in heaven but on a literal throne on the earth in Israel. This is emphasized in a number of key passages. The first one is Psalm 2, a psalm that is used more than any other psalm in the New Testament and it establishes that future reign of Christ as the Jewish King, the son of David. When we look at the psalm we see that it is focusing on a battle scenario between the nations on the earth and the people in verse 1, who have set themselves against the Lord and His anointed [mashiach:Messiah] in verse 2. So there is a battle here between all of the nations of the earth and God and the Messiah. We learn that God will set up His King on Mount Zion, verse 6. The second thing we see is that based on verse 2 the time at which God sets His King on Mount Zion is at a time when there is a united rebellion against Him by the kings of the earth. That hasn't happened yet, there never has been a worldwide revolt against God. We are getting close but it hasn't happened yet. When that occurs that is the event that immediately precedes the establishment of the King and the kingdom in Israel. It is at that time that the Messiah-King will take His rulership over the nations and He will break the disobedient will with a rod of iron, verse 9. Verse 8 tells us that God gives to the King, the Messiah, the nations for His inheritance, and so He will establish a worldwide kingdom and rule over the nations during this time.
The second key passage is in Isaiah 9:6, 7 NASB "For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.
Furthermore additional things are ascribed in verse 7. "There will be no end to the increase of {His} government or of peace." That shows the fulfillment of the connection back to the Davidic covenant. He is eternal, it is an everlasting dynasty, there is not going to be any end to the rule and the reign of the Messiah as the eternal Son of God—" On the throne of David and over his kingdom," so Isaiah 9:7 just gives us more information about the one who fulfills the Davidic covenant. It goes on to say: "To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousness From then on and forevermore." So it is a kingdom that will be characterized by perfect justice. Has this ever been fulfilled? No, it hasn't.
The next major passage is Isaiah 11:1, 2 NASB "Then a shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will bear fruit. The Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of knowledge and the fear of the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:5-8 connects the dots with the Messiah to the branch of Jesse: NASB "Behold, {the} days are coming," declares the LORD, "When I will raise up for David a righteous Branch; And He will reign as king and act wisely And do justice and righteousness in the land.
Some of these facts are also documented by various rabbis and other Jewish literature down through the ages. In the Midrash on Proverbs 19:21 which was written around 200-500 AD one rabbi said that eight names are given to the Messiah, and he recognizes that the Messiah would be given the name of Yahweh. In the Midrash on Lamentations 1:16 another rabbi said: "Jehovah is His [Messiah's] name," and this is proved by this quote, Jeremiah 23:6. Midrash on Psalm 21:1: "God calls King Messiah by His own name, but what is His name? The answer is, "Jehovah is a man of war," and concerning Messiah we read, "Jehovah our righteousness, this is His name." So it can be seen in these passages that there were rabbis who understood this at various times that the name Yahweh would be applied to the Messiah.
Jeremiah 33:20-26 NASB "Thus says the LORD, 'If you can break My covenant for the day and My covenant for the night, so that day and night will not be at their appointed time,
Ezekiel 34:23-25 NASB "Then I will set over them one shepherd, My servant David, and he will feed them; he will feed them himself and be their shepherd.
Luke 1:32, 33 NASB "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David;