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by Paul Schmidtbleicher
The scriptures teach that the purpose of God’s plan is to conform the believer “to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.” (Rom.8:29)1 The theological term that describes this is sanctification. This term might be confusing to new believers and to some who may not be acquainted with the term, but are more familiar with similar concepts such as the spiritual life or spirituality. The Bible uses this term to describe the work of God in setting a person or object apart to the service of God. A formal and detailed definition states, “Sanctification means to be set apart, classified, and qualified toward some particular end. It translates the Greek word group (hagiasmos; hagiázō) which means “to set apart to the service of God.”2 The believer is set apart from that which is not associated with God. ...
Series:2011 Chafer Theological Seminary Bible Conference
Duration:1 hr 13 mins 33 secs