Tag Index
Each Bible class is assigned a few keywords or phrases called tags. This is simply an index or listing of all those tags. It is not an exhaustive index built from all the words in the titles, descriptions and transcripts. For that, you need to use the search function on the main menu.
Ephesians 2:21-22 by Robert Dean
Does the Bible tell us where God dwells? Listen to this lesson to learn that the bodies of Christians are being built into holy temples where God dwells. Find out this refers to the dynamic ongoing process of the spiritual growth and maturation of every believer into one corporate entity called the household of God. See that this is a unique, distinct work which sets us apart for the service of God. Learn what the Scripture says about each Member of the triune Godhead indwelling all believers and see what a significant purpose we have.
Series:Ephesians (2018)
Duration:53 mins 8 secs