Tag Index
Each Bible class is assigned a few keywords or phrases called tags. This is simply an index or listing of all those tags. It is not an exhaustive index built from all the words in the titles, descriptions and transcripts. For that, you need to use the search function on the main menu.
Is there a standard that determines what is beauty and value in music or is it just dependent on differing tastes that people have? Listen to this lesson to learn that music was present in eternity past before the creation of the world. Find out that Satan was the master musician and that there is an angelic choir. Hear three questions we need to ask ourselves that will help us realize the importance of worshiping the God of the universe. When we come to Sunday morning church services, we need to accept that we are in the presence of this majestic God and that we are to reflect on what He has done for us as we prepare to spend eternity with Him.
During this class Dr. Dean referenced a book by Allen Ross, Recalling the Hope of Glory.