
In order to provide you the best experience on our website, we have written a number of help articles which detail various features of the site and how to use them.

Should you have questions about a particular area that is not covered by these articles, please submit your request on the following form. 


Help Request Form



If you need help in an area that is not covered in the help section, use the contact form below to submit your request.


Contact Form


Donating to Dean Bible Ministries

The top menu bar includes a link to the Financial Support page where you can donate to the ministry as you feel led of the Lord. It also includes information on Planned Giving.

On the Financial Support page, please review our Financial Policy. Included on this page is an address to send "snail-mail" contributions to as well as a PayPal button to send a contribution online.

Or, Click on the "How you can provide financial support" in the footer of any website page. This will take you to the Financial Support page.


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