Messages with tag - Gods protection

Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Passage: Acts 22:30-24:21
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 40 secs
When your life is caught up in a whirlwind of trouble, do you call on God to take away all the bad things? Or do you embrace God's plan for your life including the tests and suffering to help you mature spiritually? Listen to this hair-raising account of the Apostle Paul's arrest in Jerusalem where a rioting crowd spews out threats of dire consequences. See how the Jewish Sanhedrin Council accuses Paul and the high priest, Ananias, signals someone to slap him in the mouth. Hear Paul's heated defense as he gets to the heart of the matter by mentioning resurrection. Notice that God does not use a miracle to rescue Paul, but instead is behind the scenes directing the normal events. Realize that God is at work in our lives and is for us so nothing can be against us.
Tuesday, January 07, 2014
Passage: Acts 27:1-20
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 14 secs
Cruise ship in trouble: Mass illnesses, blackouts, missing passengers. These stories have filled the headlines the last few years. Listen to this lesson to learn about the Apostle Paul's danger-filled, life-threatening cruise on his way to Rome as a prisoner. See how Paul points out that disaster is ahead as they face rough weather and strong headwinds. The crew ignores his warning and sets out. Encountering a typhoon, they frantically try to secure the ship. Hear how Paul relies on God's revelation to him and the doctrine he knows. Learn to apply the Word of God to your own experiences and adapt to changing circumstances even in desperate times.
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
Passage: 1 Samuel 18:1-30
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 8 secs
Do you have peace and happiness even when circumstances are not good? Listen to this lesson to hear how David understood that what counted was God’s protection. See how King Saul grew jealous of David and then became angry and fearful and sought to get rid of him. Realize that our happiness does not depend on what is happening in our life or to our country but is based on confidence in God, knowing that we can rejoice in the midst of the worst circumstances.

During this class Dr. Dean mentioned an article entitled Warming Alarmists Redefine What a Hurricane is so We'll Have More of Them.

Tuesday, November 01, 2016
Passage: 1 Samuel 19:1-24
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 49 secs
Hear about an unusual event in the Old Testament when God protected David from Saul who was attempting to have him assassinated. See how David respected Saul’s evil authority and how Jonathan, Saul’s son, disobeyed his father when Saul was giving orders to have David killed. Find out what happened when Saul sent soldiers to kill David and how the Holy Spirit protected David by distracting his enemies by having them prophesy and what that involved. Understand that just as God protected David we are under His protection when we face danger.
Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Passage: 1 Samuel 21:1-15 & Psalm 34
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 0 mins 50 secs
Why do believers go through suffering and difficulty? Listen to this lesson to learn three main reasons and how Psalm 34 provides the answers we need. See several different words used to show how God protects and delivers us. Find out that God watches us and is always aware of what is going on in our life and has made provision for us. Learn what the vehicle for exercising the faith-rest drill is.
Tuesday, May 30, 2017
Passage: 1 Samuel 26:1-25
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 11 secs
Are the events in your life helping you learn to trust God? Listen to this lesson to see how David went through many difficulties and tests with the right attitude that slowly helped him mature spiritually. See how Saul, on the other hand, was rebellious against God and did not learn the lessons God had for him. Understand that God gives all of us freedom to succeed or to fail. Learn to trust the Word of God and not your experiences when making decisions.
Tuesday, July 11, 2017
Passage: 1 Samuel 30:1-18
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 2 secs
When troubles come in the lives of believers they face two choices. Are they going to take matters in their own hands or are they going to trust God? Listen to this lesson to see how David handled severe testing. Hear his prayers in the Psalms where he saw God as his deliverer. Learn the history of the Amalekites and who God had commanded to destroy them completely. Today we face the same options when we have problems in our lives and need to realize God is protecting us.
Thursday, March 07, 2019
Passage: 1 Peter 5:9 & Ephesians 6:14-17
Series: 1 Peter (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 9 secs
Do you panic and fall apart when bombarded with problems and adversity? Listen to this lesson to learn how to stand firm and be stabilized even when under demonic attack. Find out about the pieces of the whole armor of God and the spiritual truth that each represents. See that you must get rid of distractions in your life and concentrate on learning the truth that is revealed in the Word of God. Rest in the knowledge that it is God who is defending us and we can always trust His promises.
Tuesday, July 02, 2019
Passage: Psalm 89:10-17
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 19 secs
Do you stand in awe of God? Listen to this lesson to be reminded of God’s magnificence and recall that God’s power is profound and overwhelming. See that when anyone in the Bible is approaching God they are full of fear and treat Him with the utmost respect. Find out that those who reject Him now will some day bow their knee before Him as He judges evil. Continue the study of Psalm 89 where we learn that God controls the chaos in the universe, both angelic and human. As a believer take every opportunity to praise God in songs and words and thank Him for His lovingkindness and protection.
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Passage: 2 Samuel 22
Series: 1st and 2nd Samuel (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 7 mins 36 secs
Are you a vampire Christian? Listen to this message to measure yourself against four ways Christians act like vampires. Contrast these with David’s praising God for delivering him when he was almost overwhelmed by his enemies. See God intervenes in the lives of those who trust Him to protect and deliver them from all the evil around them. Recognize that we are to be loyal to God at all times in spite of our failures.