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Galatians 5:16-23 teaches that at any moment we are either walking by the Holy Spirit or according to the sin nature. Walking by the Spirit, enjoying fellowship with God, walking in the light are virtually synonymous. During these times, the Holy Spirit is working in us to illuminate our minds to the truth of Scripture and to challenge us to apply what we learn. But when we sin, we begin to live based on the sin nature. Our works do not count for eternity. The only way to recover is to confess (admit, acknowledge) our sin to God the Father and we are instantly forgiven, cleansed, and recover our spiritual walk (1 John 1:9). Please make sure you are walking by the Spirit before you begin your Bible study, so it will be spiritually profitable.

Messages with tag - Legalism

Colossians (2011)
Sunday, January 30, 2011
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 47 mins 56 secs
Colossians (2011)
Sunday, January 29, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 2:13-15
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 44 mins 23 secs
Colossians (2011)
Sunday, February 12, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 2:16-4:5
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 40 mins 58 secs
All believers are engaged in a cosmic spiritual battle. The conflict may not be within the obvious spheres of personal or physical enemies. Satan is our arch-enemy and inculcates his false system of thinking on the human race in various guises. At the core of Satan-promoted thinking is an assault on God’s authority. However, Satan is the master counterfeiter and disguises his false religions and philosophies with the robes of righteousness and light. This makes these systems attractive to our sin nature. Learn in this lesson the commonalities and dangers of Satan’s worldly thought systems that sabotage our reliance on the all-sufficiency of Christ and our spiritual growth.
Colossians (2011)
Sunday, April 22, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 3:5-7
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 54 mins 36 secs
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, April 09, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 14:21-15:4
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 24 secs
Paul's first missionary journey ignites an explosion of new believers in Jesus Christ across Asia Minor. Not willing to leave these converts in their "diapers", he and Barnabas face extreme danger as they go back and teach doctrine to start these "baby" believers on the road to maturity. Meanwhile, some Pharisee believers insist that the Gentile believers must be circumcised. Listen to this lesson to see how Paul demonstrates the role of a pastor and how circumcision was not just a religious ritual but was an act of patriotism to the Jews. Find out what the political landscape was like in the 1st century and follow the dynamic timeline of the early church.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 15:6-31
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 7 secs
Knockdown, drag-out fights make rousing TV shows but don't do much to change opinions. When the early church began to have verbal brawls over the role of Jewish rituals, they decided to convene a council in Jerusalem to resolve the issue. The Pharisees had forgotten to check their rules at the door when they became believers and they wanted to impose them on new converts. Listen to this lesson to learn the different approaches Peter and James used to arrive at the conclusion that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Find out about the four rules decided upon to bring goodwill between Jewish and Christian believers.
Proverbs (2013)
Sunday, July 21, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Proverbs 11:7-11 & Deuteronomy 31:30-32:5
Series: Proverbs (2013)
Duration: 49 mins 30 secs
"He's a straight arrow." That's high praise but what does it mean? Is it possible for a believer to have personal righteousness in this day and age? Listen to this lesson to learn about God's perfect, unshakeable character. Find out about the loss of absolutes in today's culture and how most live in a morass of subjectivity, basing their behavior on how they feel. See why those who hold to the morality taught in God's Word should be prepared to be hated by those who hold to relative standards.
Acts (2010)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 21:15-39
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 41 secs
Clashing cultures are breeding grounds for chaos and violence. Listen to this lesson to learn how the Apostle Paul enters a whirlwind of rumors and false accusations when he comes to Jerusalem in A.D. 57. Hear how the Christian leaders there tell him he is being slandered for abandoning his heritage and encouraging new converts to do the same. Find out the plan the leaders devised for Paul to join a group of four men and take religious vows with them to prove he is not a traitor to everything Jewish. Hear seven possible reasons why Paul may have agreed to do this. Discover how we need to understand the priorities in the Christian life so cultural or traditional differences do not get in the way of sharing the message of the gospel.

Click here to view the information Dr. Dean added pertaining to the Temple Mount that ties in with Acts 21:28.

Matthew (2013)
Sunday, February 09, 2014
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 5:8
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 39 mins 3 secs
Have you ever known anyone who seemed to be doing good things but was seething with anger, hatred, and revenge on the inside? Listen to this lesson to see how Jesus Christ in the Sermon on the Mount emphasizes the importance of your internal attitudes as you perform deeds of mercy and show kindness to others. Learn the meaning of the word "heart" in the Scripture and how we can be pure in heart. Allow Jesus' message to His disciples to encourage you to live consistently in God's Word, staying in fellowship through confession, and having your character transformed as you are being prepared to rule and reign in the Kingdom of God in the future.
1 Thessalonians (2013)
Tuesday, June 02, 2015
by Robert Dean
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 1:8-10
Series: 1 Thessalonians (2013)
Duration: 1 hr 1 mins 6 secs
Should we imitate Christians we admire? Listen to this lesson to see what it means to be a follower of someone. See how the Apostle Paul was an example to believers but he pointed out that Jesus Christ was to be our model. Find out the meaning of the wrath of God and the different time frames it refers to. See when it refers to the Rapture. If at times you feel distant from God as if He had left you, ask yourself if you are the one who has moved away from Him.