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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

Codes & Descriptions

Class Codes
[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Messages with tag - Eternal life

Friday, September 19, 2014
by Jeff Phipps
Series: 2014 Disciple Makers Multiplied (DM2)
Duration: 1 hr 9 mins 43 secs
Jesus and Nicodemus. Pages 45C-49C of the Student Manual.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 13:40-52
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 41 secs
Thursday, February 16, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Romans 5:3-5
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 55 mins 15 secs
Hope is a process, developed, not given in total at salvation. Hope is a present reality based on a future promise, our assured destiny. Hope stands firm in adversity. Adversity is the building block of Christian character. How can there be joy in adversity? Confidence in God’s promises and His long-term plan produces a mentality of joy. Hope grows through revelation, the disclosure and unveiling of fuller knowledge through His Word. Fuller knowledge develops into an intimate relationship with God through an understanding of the all sufficiency of His attributes. Discover the joy in the certainty of His promises and the motivation to stand firm no matter what circumstances deliver.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 1:12
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 39 mins 2 secs
In a continuation of our study of the sufficiency of Christ, we learn more about the implications of "in all things" with the Doctrine of Reconciliation. But what does reconciliation really mean? And why was it necessary at the cross? This doctrine is so often confusing, misrepresented, and misstated. There is no sense of it in the Old Testament. In the New Testament, Paul is the only author who addresses it. View this lesson and find out what it really means for a Christian to be "at peace with God".
Sunday, July 03, 2011
by Robert Dean
Passage: Colossians 1:18
Series: Colossians (2011)
Duration: 52 mins 58 secs
The deity of Christ is not some abstract doctrine, or interesting curiosity within Christianity. The deity of Christ is necessary. If Jesus was not fully God, then He could not have paid for our sins, and nothing else about Christianity matters. Many cults and non-Christian religions reject the deity of Christ. How would you support the deity of Christ from the Bible? In this lesson you will learn more about the significance of Christ's deity. You will also learn three Old Testament passages and three New Testament passages you can use to demonstrate the undiminished deity of Christ.
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