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On-Going Mini-Series

Bible Studies

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[A] = summary lessons
[B] = exegetical analysis
[C] = topical doctrinal studies
What is a Mini-Series?
A Mini-Series is a small subset of lessons from a major series which covers a particular subject or book. The class numbers will be in reference to the major series rather than the mini-series.

Messages with tag - Replacement theology

Thursday, September 17, 2020
by Robert Dean
Series: How Should We Then Vote? (2020)
Duration: 1 hr 5 mins 35 secs
Why is the United States different from every other country in regard to Israel? Listen to this lesson to begin to learn the historical and contemporary answers to this question. Find out what it means to support Israel and the meaning of Zionism. Hear a history of antiZionism beginning in the early church and continuing through to the 1600s as Replacement Theology began to be accepted. Be ready to continue this important subject leading up to today in the next lesson.
Thursday, July 21, 2016
by Robert Dean
Passage: 1 Peter 2:4
Series: 1 Peter (2015)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 57 secs
Are all believers part of the Royal Family of God? Listen to this lesson to hear that while Peter is addressing Jewish-background believers, he is not saying that there are differences between Jewish and Gentile believers in the Church Age. See that these verses are used by Replacement theologians to say that the Church has replaced Israel. Learn that the words Peter uses here to describe these Jewish believers come from the Old Testament but are applied to the Church. See that there is unity in the body of Christ that makes no distinctions.
Sunday, July 17, 2016
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 21:33-43
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 57 mins 15 secs
Do we have to do something that impresses God to get His blessings? Listen to this lesson to see that trying to do impressive deeds for God is legalism, while grace is understanding that God does all the work and man only has to accept Christ as Savior. Hear a parable told by Jesus about a landowner and his vineyard and find out the significance of each concerning Israel and the Kingdom of God. See that Jesus is directing this parable to the religious leaders rather than all Israel and has nothing to do with Replacement Theology.
Sunday, June 26, 2016
by Robert Dean
Passage: Matthew 21:23-32
Series: Matthew (2013)
Duration: 51 mins 27 secs
How does Christianity differ from other world religions? Listen to this lesson to learn that all religions say mankind must do something to gain God’s approval, while Christianity teaches that God, in grace, does everything and man only has to trust in Jesus Christ. Hear how the religious leaders of Israel came into conflict with Jesus and tried to set a trap for Him. Learn that He turned the trap back on them. Also includes seven points on Replacement theology and how it can lead to anti-Semitism.
Tuesday, May 24, 2016
by Robert Dean
Passage: Jeremiah 29:11
Series: Holocaust Special
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 28 secs

How can a good God allow bad things to happen to His chosen people is a question that is often asked about the Holocaust. Listen to this lesson to begin to learn about evil in the world. Hear about a Church Father called Augustine who said the Jews were descendants of Cain and how this false teaching led to Replacement theology, which elevates Christians at the expense of Jews. Find out why God’s promise to bless those who bless Israel and to curse those who curse Israel is still valid today. Hear about the “Righteous among the nations” which refer to Gentiles who helped rescue Jews from the Holocaust. When asked about evil in the world, never minimize it but understand it is a result of Satan’s fall and God uses Satan’s trickery and turns it to good.

Dr. Dean mentioned several additional resources during this Bible class:

Website for the Power of Good (about Nicholas Winton)

Videos about Nicholas Winton

Videos about Hannah Pick

Videos about Anne Frank

The Hiding Place movie (broken into 15 sections) about the ten Boom family (starring Houston's own Jeanette Clift George as Corrie ten Boom)

God on Trial movie by Masterpiece Theater

Thursday, October 31, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Romans 11:1-11
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 3 mins 34 secs
Just because you're a powerful warrior for God one day doesn't mean you can't become a whining, sniveling, namby-pamby coward the next. Listen to this lesson to find out how God came to the rescue of this prophet of Israel and interrupted his pity party. Follow Paul's argument for why the Jews should trust that God will keep all His promises to them in spite of their rejections of Him. Gain courage in your own life with the assurance that God is just as faithful to us and see how we can't second guess the methods God uses to fulfill His Word.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Romans 11:1-11
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 57 mins 31 secs
Feeling a little dizzy as you struggle to comprehend Romans, chapters 9 and 10? Seize this chance to take another run at understanding the vital concepts before arriving at Romans 11. Put yourself in the Apostle Paul's place as he finds pagan Gentiles believing the gospel message in droves while his own Jewish nation stubbornly believes that being Abraham's descendants give them an automatic ticket to heaven. As their jealous anger boils over, Paul, using Old Testament passages, carefully lays out proof that God will fulfill all His promises. End up ready to tackle the challenging conclusion to this section in Romans 11.
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 15:14-21 & Amos 9
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 6 mins 28 secs
How did the early church use the Old Testament to settle disputes about the Gentiles' role in the body of Christ? James in Acts 15 goes to the book of Amos and under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit uses a "fuller sense" of the text to apply to the Church Age. Listen to this lesson to learn how Christ now being seated at the right hand of God instead of on David's throne means the church does not replace God's promises to Israel. Find out how the Masoretes translated the scriptures in the early centuries to leave out any references to the Messiah.
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
by Robert Dean
Passage: Acts 15:6-31
Series: Acts (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 7 secs
Knockdown, drag-out fights make rousing TV shows but don't do much to change opinions. When the early church began to have verbal brawls over the role of Jewish rituals, they decided to convene a council in Jerusalem to resolve the issue. The Pharisees had forgotten to check their rules at the door when they became believers and they wanted to impose them on new converts. Listen to this lesson to learn the different approaches Peter and James used to arrive at the conclusion that salvation is by faith alone in Christ alone. Find out about the four rules decided upon to bring goodwill between Jewish and Christian believers.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
by Robert Dean
Passage: Romans 5:1-2 & Genesis 32:26-29
Series: Romans (2010)
Duration: 1 hr 8 mins 20 secs
Also includes Galatians 3:6ff and Galatians 6:16
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