The Responsibility of Believers

We believe that each believer must grow in grace, doctrine and knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. The believer's daily life must be consistent with the Lord's plan and will. This brings glory to the Lord. (2 Peter 3:18).


Every believer is responsible to be an ambassador for Christ which means witnessing to the lost when the opportunity arises. (2 Corinthians 5:17–21).


Every believer is a royal priest and therefore responsible to function in prayer for himself and others (1 Peter 2:5, 7, 9). The believer priest will offer spiritual sacrifices to the Lord in order to fulfill his priesthood (Hebrews 13:10–18).


Every believer is responsible to fulfill the laws of divine establishment, nationalism, and patriotism to his country. We are told to pay our taxes and uphold the laws of the land. (Romans 13:1–8; 1 Peter 2:13–20). Believers are told to be submissive to the government and laws of the land (1 Peter 2:13–20, I Timothy 2:1–2). In application to this principle we honor and respect the Constitution of the United States, the three branches of government, the laws of the land, and we pray for those who have promised to protect and serve the people of this land.