Pre-Tribulation raptureDateTeachingTitle03-10-20143 - The History of Dispensational Theology – ... listen download watch notes 08-26-20141 Thessalonians 4:13-1822 - Why I Believe in the Rapture - Part 1 [B] listen download watch read slideshow 09-16-201425 - The Purposes of the Tribulation; The Rapture... listen download watch read slideshow 12-02-201432 - The Millennium - Part 3 - Davidic and New Co... listen download watch read slideshow 06-04-20151 Thessalonians 1:1022 - Saved From the Wrath to Come [B] listen download watch read slideshow 10-27-20151 Thessalonians 1:1023 - Imminence of Christ's Coming [B] listen download watch read slideshow